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Ancient Containers

Food as Medicine in Ancient Societies

For thousands of years, people have been using and experimenting with the natural resources in their surroundings for medicine. Medicine is an important aspect of society and its improvements over time have advanced the lives of people in societies across the world.


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About this site

I am Susan Chen, a junior from Brooklyn Technical High School. The subject of this site demonstrates an important aspect of ancient people’s lives that is not often taught in schools other than college. During this summer, I learned more information than before about how ancient people lived. It interests me. It has the potential to be useful to people in the modern day because we can learn from the mistakes and achievements in medicine that ancient people made so that our quality of life can continue to be improved on. 
I named the URL eyeofowl because owls seem smart. Their eyes are big and seem watchful and alert. The ancient Greeks considered the owl to be one of the sacred animals of Athena, goddess of wisdom.

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